Frequently Asked Questions

Terms and Conditions


Price quoted do not include VAT unless otherwise stipulated.

Quotation only valid for 14 days, 50 % deposit payable if quotations is more than R10 000.00

All additional work not quoted for will be charged separate, and will be for the clients account.


With acceptance of the quotation the client agree to pay the R1500 admin. Fee if payment is not concluded as per agreement, COD or within 2 working days of invoice date.

No work will commence without an order number or letter of appointment. Where telephonic instruction is given, it will be deemed and official order.

A report can be supplied on receipt of payment.

Non-payment that results in legal action: The client will be responsible for all legal cost, interest, tracing and collection fees. The address given will be accepted as the domicile for the client and all correspondence will be forwarded and delivered to this address. Work and general:

All due care will be taken during testing procedures however Mobile leak detection, the owner, staff and management cannot be held responsible for any damage incurred on site.

No guarantee is given other than retesting of pipe work (1hr) which may be carried out if requested within three(3) days and service had been paid in full.

It is understood that the client will supply the information, as location of pipes is of utmost importance. If not supplied pipe locating will be an additional expense if not quoted for.

It is understood that for the services rendered, accuracy is depended on the following.

  • Correct knowledge of the length of pipe

  • Correct knowledge of the make or type of pipe.

  • Correct knowledge of the layout of the articulation network. (Sprinkler systems, Valves, boreholes, Tanks, Ponds. Irrigation systems cause delays in detecting leaks.

  • Where the information is supplied or estimates is used the service provider cannot be held responsible for miscalculations


After the leak detection has been done, if other leaks are found, a separate invoice will be issued.

Our technicians are advised to find one leak at a time. Mobile Leak Detection will not be held liable for any damages to any already defective equipment.

All work that is not specified on the Call Out, will be charged for.

Any Other Questions?

Please Feel Free To CONTACT US

Frequently Asked Questions