Swimming Pool Leak Detection

Swimming pools are fun for all the family, great to keep fit, having to relax in and endure the focus of attention. Unfortunately, they can also be utterly frustrating when they leak, water is not cheap when constantly filling a pool. The fear is the pool structure is leaking but the reality is that this is rarely the case, often the damage is from frost or failed termination and quite close to the surface or edge of the pool. Finding it though, can be a challenge; tiles and concrete make small repairs difficult, if only the leak could be localized…
Regardless of whether the pool is full or empty Mobile Leak Detection have a proven method of finding leaks in the pipes or pool structure…
Our Team uses specialist techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to locate hidden swimming pool leaks, saving you time and money on leak detection and the overall repair job. Our technical expertise provides a cost-effective solution for resolving any swimming pool leak you may discover.